Sunday, November 1, 2009

6 Months!!!

It's official, the baby bump is here!!! Yay!! We have definitely noticed a growth in my belly in the last couple of weeks. It seems like the pregnancy is flying by. I am feeling her move quite a bit more now. I will usually feel her nudges in the evenings after dinner when I am lying down. I told my students 3 weeks ago that I am going to have a baby girl in February. I think it went over most of their heads. They are now making comments like, "your baby girl is growing Mrs. Faruzzi." I am really going to miss this class when I go out for maternity leave. They are by far the best class I have ever have. I love them dearly. I plan to take the rest of the schoolyear off after our baby girl arrives. I started a prenatal yoga class last week with my friend Sarah who is due 2 weeks after me. We fell in love with it after the first class. I have also been taking a Macumba dance class 3-4 times a week. A parent at my school is teaching it to the staff afer school in one of the classrooms. I absolutely love it. And of course I am still running, but I have cut back significantly now with all of these other fun excercise classes I am attending. It's very important to me to stay healthy and fit throughout my pregnancy. Brett and I are going to start our baby registry this week. I have been doing lots of research on what we need/want to have for this little girl. We are both looking forward to registering. Brett and I are getting very excited about the new addition to our family. XOXOXO