Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Baby Nursery

We have been working very hard for the past month on Lyla's nursery. It has been a lot of fun putting it all together. I feel so lucky that I have been off track this month to really dedicate a lot of time to it. My mom has been such an amazing helper. We have loved every minute of it! Now all we need is the baby:)

Baby Shower #3 January 23, 2010

My 3rd baby shower was with all of my friends given to me from my best friend Julia. Several of my friends, Julia, Carla, Sharon, Molly, Lauren, Abby, and Katie, contributed to making this shower absolutely amazing!! I was blown away by how beautiful this shower was. I felt so loved and am very excited for all of my friends to meet baby Lyla.

Baby Shower #2 January 16, 2010

Our second baby shower was down in Turlock given to us from my mother in law, Becky. Brett's family and our Turlock friends joined us to celebrate the upcoming arrival of baby Lyla. This shower was co-ed and a ton of fun. Becky did such a wonderful job giving us this shower. We are so grateful for everyone who shared in this experience with us.

Baby Shower #1 January 10, 2010

January has been a busy month of baby showers and preparation for Lyla's arrival. My first baby shower was given to me from my sister in laws, Mika and Tana, and my mom. My family and co-worker friends were there to celebrate with Lyla and I. It was a beautiful shower and I feel so blessed to have such amazing family and friends in my life.

Monday, January 4, 2010

Month 8 Pics!

Month 8!!!!

It's hard to believe the holidays have come and gone! We had a great holiday season with our families and friends. We are so blessed to have such wonderful people in our lives. Everyone is getting excited about Baby Lyla's arrival. Especially her mommy and daddy!!

Brett took last week off and we worked like crazy on the nursery. It is coming along slowly but surely. The hardest, most time consuming part was getting everything out of the room we are doing the nursery in. It was our office/spare bedroom. My stuff was taking up the entire closet and I had to find other places for it:( Brett did an awesome job putting together the crib, changing table, dresser, and desk (in our room). He was Mr. Handyman last week. My mom helped us out a ton. She helped us with the wallpaper border, glider chair cover, and painting a mirror. We are so grateful for her assistance. Posted are a few pics of our process so far. There is still a lot more to do before it is complete. We will have to wait for the baby showers since a lot of the accesories are on our registry. I will post more pics when it is finished!

In the past month we have taken several baby classes. We took an all day Saturday Preparing for Childbirth class, a Late Pregnancy/Hospital Tour class, and a Breastfeeding class. They were all very informative. We feel more prepared in these areas now. We are taking a Safe From Harm class and Newborn Care class this week.

We had another ultrasound last week to check my low lying placenta and uterine fibroid. We will find out the results tomorrow at our Dr.'s appt. There is a possibility we might have to have a scheduled C-section. We are crossing our fingers that we will not have to. But of course we want whatever is safest for the baby. She weighs 3 lbs 13 oz. now. They confirmed once again that it is a girl!!!

I am off track this month and am looking forward to doing more preparation for Lyla's arrival. It is a perfect month for me to have off. I will go back to work for a couple of weeks in Feb. before I go on maternity leave for the rest of the schoolyear. We have our baby showers this month and are very excited to celebrate our baby with our friends and families. Brett will be celebrating his 31st birthday on the 9th. We plan on going out to a nice steak dinner and enjoying the 2 of us before we are a threesome.

I am still feeling great physically, but getting a little nervous about what is in store for us. It is getting so close to the end and I am a ball of emotions. Excited, anxious, nervous!!!!! We keep telling ourselves that if other people can do it, we can. X0X0X0