Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Lyla Month 1

Wow!! What an incredible month this has been. We can't believe how fast the time has flown by. We have loved every minute of being parents. Our hearts are filled with so much love for our baby girl. We just adore her. She is such a good baby. We have had an exciting month full of firsts (for the baby and us). We've had our first outings; walks around the neighborhood, shopping with mommy (Kohl's, Goore's, Trader Joes, and Raleys), Nana and Papa's house, Friends' houses, Dr. appt's, Mommy and Me Group, restaurants (Ettore's, Bella Bru, Starbucks, Chick-Fill-A), Daddy and Nana's work, Cousin Ryan's Basketball game, and Daddy's work party. Baby Lyla had her first real bath when her umbilical cord fell off. Nana was over and helped us with that. Daddy cut her fingernails for the first time (mommy was too scared to). She has also gone in her swing and playtime mat for the fist times too (which she loves). She had an impressive weight gain at her first Dr.'s appt on the 23rd. She went from 5 lbs 2 oz (she lost weight in the hospital) to 6 lbs 15.9 oz ( we are rounding up to 7) in 16 days!! We were absolutely thrilled with that. She is breastfeeding very well and sleeps the majority of the day. We are doing well with the lack of sleep. Better than we thought we would. We are so grateful for all of the well wishes and support our friends and family have given us over the past month. We are excited for her growth and new experiences that are in store for us this next month. Lots of love!! XOXOXO