Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Month 5!

Sorry, I'm a little behind on the blog. Lyla turned 5 months old on July 2nd. This past month has been so much fun. Lyla is now laughing out loud, rolling over (periodically), and holding her feet with her hands. I have enjoyed every minute with her, especially since I've known that going back to work was in the near future. I go back on Monday, July 19th. I am so not ready to leave Lyla. It is going to be the hardest thing I've ever had to do. She is going to be in good hands though while we are at work. I am very grateful that I've had the past 5.5 months with her. And I really do have an ideal job for a family. We had to say goodbye to all of our Mommy and Me friends today. We will miss them very much.

Lyla continues to grow like a weed. She is close to 16 pounds now. She is very alert and happy. Her favorite thing to do is play in her excersaucer. She loves her dolly too! She is pretty much sleeping through the night (11 hours) every night now! Which has been wonderful for me. We just adore her and look forward to all of the new and fun phases ahead. XOXOXO