Friday, August 6, 2010

Month 6!!

How did our baby girl get to be a half a year old? She is growing up way too fast!! This past month has been an exciting and difficult time for us. Difficult because I had to go back to work on July 19th. It has been really tough leaving her everyday. It's definitely been a huge adjustment for me. Life is VERY busy now!! The great news is that Lyla is doing wonderfully with her babysitters (Patty and my dad). It sure makes it easier being at work knowing that she is happy and in good hands.

There has been a lot of excitements this past month because we've done a lot of fun things. We went to a Rivercats game with Nana and Papa. We celebrated Lyla's first 4th of July. We went out of town for the first time and Lyla stayed in her first hotel room. We went to Los Gatos for my half marathon. We've gone swimming and gone to the park quite a bit. We went to the Courtland Pair Fair. We went to a Mommy, Daddy, and Me playdate with my Mommy and Me friends and their families. It was so much fun, because all the dads got to meet. There were 12 babies there!! Lyla had her first taste of solid food a few days ago. We are feeding her Organic Brown Rice Cereal once a day now. She LOVES it! She is such a great eater. She acts like she's been doing it for a long time. She's already a pro.

Lyla is rolling over regularly now. Most of the time she rolls from her tummy to her back. She laughs out loud and talks to us all the time. She is thanfully sleeping through the night every night. Otherwise, I don't know how I would survive. Her next Dr.'s appt is Sept. 3rd. We will find out how much she weighs at that appt. We just adore our Sweet Pea. We definitely treasure every moment we get to spend with her. XOXOXO