Monday, September 6, 2010

Month 7!!

It sure is hard to believe that Lyla is 7 months old already! She is getting so big, so fast. She is so much fun and has the sweetest personality. We just love her to pieces.

In this past month Lyla has tried a variety of solid foods. I have made all of her food from scratch using organic fruits and vegetables. She has had organic brown rice cereal with banana, zucchini, yams, peas, carrots, avocado, pears, apricots, yellow squash, and apples. She is such a great eater. She loves to dive forward for her food and get her hands all up in it. Lyla is also sitting up with little help from mom and dad. She has discovered her tongue and likes to stick it out at us. It is so cute. She is doing so good at her babysitter's house while we are at work. We are so proud of her.

Lyla has done some exciting things this past month. We celebrated my 31st birthday at Bella Bru with lots of friends. We went down to Turlock to celebrate Uncle Austin's birthday. We went to my parents' cabin and stayed a night. Lyla got to go on her first hike and put her feet in the river for the first time. She loved it!! We also celebrated her cousin Bodie's first birthday with the family.

I will be off track starting this Thursday for the remainder of Sept. I am really looking forward to spending quality time with our little sweet pea. We are going on our first little family vacation to Morro Bay for a week. We are SO excited!! We hope all is well with you. Take Care! X0X0X0