Sunday, October 10, 2010

Month 8!!

Lyla turned 8 Months old on October 2nd! Boy how the time has flown. Lyla is getting so big. She is so interested in everything going on around her. So interested that I can't even nurse her in the same room as daddy now!! She gets easily distracted. We have really enjoyed this past month with our little girl. Especially since I was off track for 3 weeks and got to spend every day with her. Lyla sits up all on her own very well now. She is sitting in shopping carts, restaurant high chairs, and the stroller without the car seat.

We went on our first family vacation to Morro Bay. Brett's grandma Faruzzi has a condo there and let us stay for a week. We are so grateful for her kindness. We got to visit her in Hanford on our way down to Morro Bay. It was so great to see her. Lyla got to see and feel the ocean for the first time. It was VERY cold!! We created many memories in Morro Bay as Lyla's first vacation. We really enjoyed ourselves.

We also went camping at Sunset Beach near Santa Cruz for a weekend. We went with Brett's family. Our friends Sammantha, Miguel, and their baby Marcello joined us for a night too. The weather was awesome. We had a great time hanging out at the beach. Lyla was a trooper and did a great job sleeping in the wilderness!

Since I was off track, we got to go to our Wed. Mommy and Me group at Kaiser we had been attending every week before I went back to work. It was fun to see some old friends and babies and meet the newer ones. Lyla seemed so old compared to the other babies. It makes me so sad :(

Lyla had her first sleepover at Nana and Papa's this month when we celebrated our 5 year anniversary and went to a wedding. The wedding was at Wine and Roses in Lodi the night before our anniversary, so we decided to get a room there to celebrate our anniversary as well. Lyla did a great job spending the night away from home.

Lyla has tried many new solid foods this month. She has had sweet potatoes, plums, ground turkey, oatmeal, cauliflower, blueberries, apple juice, lamb, and prunes. She has seemed to like everything. She is a great little eater.

Lyla is such a joy! We truley feel blessed to have such a beautiful, sweet baby. How'd we get so lucky? Take Care! XOXOXO