Sunday, November 7, 2010

Month 9!!

Lyla turned nine months old on November 2nd. She is getting so big. It's hard to believe she will be a year old in 3 months. I definitely know what people mean when they say to enjoy every minute with your baby because they grow up so fast. It is very true.

Lyla is nursing only 4 times per day now and eating solids 3 times per day. Some new solid foods she has tried this past month have been: barley, tofu, green beans with mint, egg yolk, whole plain yogurt, cottage cheese, puffs and bisquits that she feeds herself, asparagus, asian pears, pork, butternut squash, and pinto beans. She is such a great eater. She has liked everything we've given her.

Lyla has four teeth now. She has her two top and two bottle middle teeth. It's amazing how quickly they all popped through. We are very fortunate in that she has been a good teething baby. Lyla can say ba-ba and da-da now. She can clap her hands, give a high five, and do an indian sound with her mouth on demand. We are teaching Lyla baby signs. She hasn't done one back to us yet, but she watches us and seeems to understand what we are saying and signing. Lyla got her first cold, but she was a Superstar with dealing with it. She didn't even act sick.

This past month we took Lyla to the pumpkin patch, a Halloween party with her Mommy and Me friends, the library for a read aloud, Mommy's 1/2 marathon, and her cousin Brett's football game at Delta High. We celebrated her first Halloween and she dressed up as a Red Lobster. She was a little shell shocked by the costume.

We look forward to the next couple of months and celebrating the holidays with our friends and family. Stay tuned!!