Friday, December 3, 2010

10 Months!!

Lyla turned 10 months old yesterday! It sure is hard to believe that she will be a year old in 2 short months. With the holidays here, I've been doing a lot of reflecting on this past year. I couldn't be more grateful for my beautiful baby girl and my wonderful husband. They both mean the world to me. I feel so blessed to have such an amazing family, great friends, my rewarding job, and my good health. Life is good!!

This past month Lyla has experienced some new, fun things. I took her to Artbeast, a music/art place downtown for kids. We met our great friends Sammantha and Marcello there. Lyla had her first painting experience. What a mess is all I have to say about that!! I captured some great pics though:) Lyla celebrated her first Thanksgiving at Nana and Papa's house. She had fun playing with her cousins and enjoyed her first (mashed/pureed) Thanksgiving dinner. Lyla met Santa for the first time. I took her to get her picture taken with him and she was terrified of him. Oh well, maybe she'll be a Santa fan next year!

Lyla still has just four big teeth, two top and two bottom. She has tried some new foods this month; cherries, lentils, persimmons, spelt, cheerios, yellow split peas, cheese, broccoli, turkey, mashed potatoes, black beans, pineapple, and edamame. I am still making all of Lyla's food and she has liked everything I've given her. She is a fabulous eater. She loves to feed herself puffs and cheerios. It is so cute to watch.

Lyla is saying "ma-ma" now. My heart just melts every time she says it. She can wave bye-bye and hello. She is not crawling, but has her own way of being mobile. She rolls EVERYWHERE!! If she sees something across the room that she wants, she will do 8 rolls to get to it. Lyla is such a big girl now that she has grown out of her infant car seat. We have her in her new convertible car seats now.

We look forward to celebrating her first Christmas in a couple of weeks. Happy Holidays to you all! Much Love. XOXOXO