Friday, January 7, 2011

11 Months!!

Lyla turned eleven months old on January 2nd! We can hardly believe she is only a month away from being a toddler. Our little girl is growing up WAY too fast. We celebrated her first Christmas and New Years. She loved all of the friends and family gatherings. She looked adorable in her Christmas dresses. She was more into opening presents than we thought she would be. She would squeal every time she would open a gift. She is enjoying all of her new gifts. I am on my 6 week off track break from work and loving every minute I get to spend with Lyla.

Lyla has five teeth now and she LOVES to use them. She will eat anything you put in front of her (except for sour kiwis)! Some new foods she tried last month were; couscous, salmon, chicken, polenta, kiwi, beef stew, raisins, red beans w/brown rice, bis quits, and pancakes. She is only nursing 3-4 times per day now and I plan to have her weaned around her first birthday. No more pumping at work for me!! YAY:) I am ready to move on from nursing but I will miss our special bonding time. Lyla is still such a fabulous sleeper. She has been sleeping at least 11 hours at night and takes 2 solid naps during the day. How did we get so lucky?!

Lyla hit a few milestones this past month. She is OFFICIALLY crawling to get to things now. She was rolling for months, then army crawling, and now it's officially a crawl. She is too funny!! She can pull herself up in a laundry basket and in her crib. She is close very close to doing it on the coffee table. She is a little talker. Besides saying ba-ba, ma-ma, and da-da, she is now saying ball, baby, and me. She has also done signs back to us. She has signed milk, more, and all done. It is so cute. Lyla sits up from a tummy position now by doing the full on splits. For anyone that has been around Lyla you know she is a little gymnast already. We do not know how she got so flexible because her parents are totally inflexible! She is very active and busy. She is ALWAYS in motion. Lyla has also started drinking out of a sippy cup on her own. It's truely amazing how much she has changed in such a short amount of time.

We are really looking forward to celebrating her first birthday in a month. It's so fun having this time off right now so I can plan her party. We wish all of you a healthy and happy new year! Take Care. XOXOXO