Friday, April 8, 2011

14 Months Old!!

Lyla turned 14 months old on Saturday, April 2nd! She is getting so big and developing so quickly. She took her first steps on Monday the 4th!!! We now have a WALKER on our hands. She gets so excited and walks on her tip toes. She is such a big talker too. She mumbles in her own language all day long. It is so cute. Lyla loves to mimic mommy and daddy. She holds our phones up to her ear and pretends to talk, she does yoga poses with me, she fake coughs after I cough (I've had a cold), and she'll blow kisses, clap her hands, wave, and give high fives on demand. Lyla is no longer nursing. On her 14 month bday I cut out her last nursing session which was first thing in the morning. She is totally fine with it. She is completely used to cow's milk now. Lyla's hair is growing like a weed. We can't believe how fast it's growing. Her bed head in the morning and after naps is hilarious. The weather has been pretty bad over the past month. We are looking forward to the upcoming warmer days. We are going to get her bike seat rigged up on daddy's cruiser. She is going to LOVE it. I have 3 more weeks of work before I go off track for the month of May. I am really looking forward to spending quality time with my baby girl. Take Care!!XOXOXO