Friday, June 3, 2011

Lyla Month 15 and 16!!

I'm sorry I'm a little behind on updating Lyla's blog. Lyla turned 16 months old yesterday. We definitely have an independent little GIRL on our hands. Lyla is EVERYWHERE and into EVERYTHING!! She is our little explorer. She is not interested in her toys right now. She wants to get into everything she's not supposed to be getting into. Lyla is signing like crazy. We say a word (like please) and she signs it immediately. Her most commonly used signs are please, more, all done, bath, milk, night night, and thank you. She will tell us she is hungry or tired by signing to us. Lyla will do things you ask her to do. For example, "Lyla, go get your sippy cup off the coffee table!" We turned Lyla's car seat around so that she is facing forward now. She loves being able to see me driving and to see out the front windshield. It is amazing how much she has grown both physically and developmentally over the past couple of months.

In April and May, we attended 5 birthday parties. Lyla had a blast at all of them. We also celebrated Lyla's 2nd Easter. We took her to an Easter Egg Hunt at Carmichael Park and she did not find any eggs. The hunt only lasted a total of two minutes (it was a joke!). She was very interested in her Easter basket from the Easter bunny. On Easter we went for Lyla's first bike ride in the bike seat on the cruiser. She LOVED it! We have gone several times since. We went to Turlock to visit Brett's family. His Aunt Debbie was visiting from Texas. It was her first time meeting Lyla. On the way home from Turlock we went to Fairy Tale Town and the Zoo. Lyla really enjoyed herself. I was off track for the month of May. We kept ourselves busy with stroller rides (mommy running), playdates, park time, story time, Artbeast, gymnastics, and lunches with daddy. Lyla loves her Friday gymnastics class at Tricks. In May, my two best friends (Julia and Abby) had beautiful babies. It is so amazing to see how happy they are as moms. We celebrated my 2nd mother's day. Lyla and daddy bought me a new running watch. I love it. Mommy and daddy got to go away for a night to the Sonoma Wine Country. Lyla had a sleep over at Nana and Papa's house while we were gone. She hardly even knew we were missing. She is such a sweet girl. We count our blessings everyday for having such an incredible daughter. We are looking forward to a fun and eventful summer!