Monday, September 28, 2009

It's a Healthy Baby Girl!!!!!

We had our BIG ultrasound appointment on Friday, Sept. 25th. Everything looks great. We found out Baby Faruzzi is a GIRL. Of course, I am so thrilled and Brett is still getting used to the idea of having a girl. He is ofcourse thrilled too. She will definitely be daddy's little girl. My mom and I have already started the shopping. This little girl is going to be very spoiled. We can't wait to meet her. Also, we are not moving now. We are staying right where we are. XOXOXO

Monday, September 7, 2009

4 Months!!

We can't believe how quickly the last month has gone by. We just had our 16 week appt. and everything looks great. Baby Faruzzi was doing somersaults when we got to see it on the ultrasound. It's amazing that it is moving that much and I can't feel it yet. I am finally starting to get a little pooch. I've gained 2 pounds and my pants are starting to feel a little tighter (especially after I eat). Brett and I think this next month is going to be when I really POP. I am excited to start showing because it will seem more real. This past month we have welcomed our new nephew, Bodie, into the family. We are so excited that Dan and I's kids will only be 6 months apart. We also celebrated our 4 year anniversary. We had a fabulous dinner at Moxie. I go off track this Friday and Brett and I have a wonderful week long trip to Morro Bay planned. We can't wait to relax and enjoy eachother before the baby arrives. We are also most likely going to move at the end of this month. We will keep you posted on that. We will also inform you with what we are having when we find out on the 25th!!! XOXOXO