Monday, September 28, 2009

It's a Healthy Baby Girl!!!!!

We had our BIG ultrasound appointment on Friday, Sept. 25th. Everything looks great. We found out Baby Faruzzi is a GIRL. Of course, I am so thrilled and Brett is still getting used to the idea of having a girl. He is ofcourse thrilled too. She will definitely be daddy's little girl. My mom and I have already started the shopping. This little girl is going to be very spoiled. We can't wait to meet her. Also, we are not moving now. We are staying right where we are. XOXOXO


  1. Woooo Hooo!! Congratualtions!! What an exciting time for you guys!! She won't be spoiled...she will be absolutely loved to the core!! What a very lucky, Blessed little girl she will be...she's definately going into the right arms :)

  2. Congratulations. Girls really are so much fun. You are going to love it!!!
