Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Lyla's First Week at Home

We brought Lyla home 2 days after she was born on Thursday, February 4th. The car ride from Roseville to Carmichael seemed like an eternity. Brett was driving slower than ever and we were so anxious to get home. In the past week, we have been overjoyed with the amount of visitors and their gracious gifts and meals. Lyla already has so many special people in her life. Everything is going very well at home. She is eating really well (and hopefully packing on the pounds). She is such a good baby. Brett and I could stare at her for hours. She is absolutely beautiful. We went on our first walk when she was 6 days old. She seemed to really like it. It was really nice for Brett and I to get outside and enjoy some fresh air. I am recovering exceptionally well from my surgery. I am sore, but not in pain. I am moving about almost normally. It's easy not to focus on what my body went through when I have such a beautiful baby in front of me. Brett has been off this week and he will return to work on Monday. I am a little nervous about taking care of her on my own during the day. I am sure I will get used to it real quick. We are beaming with happiness from this wonderful life that we created.

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations! We are so happy for you all. Hope to see you soon, we can't wait to meet Lyla.
    Team Bracy
