Thursday, April 8, 2010

Lyla's First Easter

We spent Easter Sunday in Turlock at Brett's mom's house. We had a nice time visiting with Great Grandma Lister, Grandma Becky, Papa Mark, and Uncle Austin. Grandma Becky made a fabulous Easter dinner that we all enjoyed. We feel so blessed to have such a wonderful family. We stopped by the Hackler's house on the way out of town so that they could meet Lyla. It was great to see them. Their boys are getting so big. The drive home was a little scary, it poured the entire way! But we made it home safely.:)

Friday, April 2, 2010

Month 2

We can't believe Baby Lyla is already 2 months old today! She has grown so much both physically and socially in the past month. She has already doubled her weight, weighing more than 10 lbs now. She is such a great eater. Her 0-3 month clothes finally fit her. She is so much more alert and can focus on people and things now. She is cooing and babbling like crazy too! She was going through a little fussy phase for the past couple of weeks, but that has seemed to subside a little over the past few days (thank goodness). She is just a doll. We absolutely love every minute of being her parents.

We have visited many places and seen lots of people over the past month. We went to both of my schools (Castello and Mack) to visit my students and fellow teachers. My current class at Castello threw Lyla and I a surprise baby shower. It was so sweet of them and it made us feel very special. I miss my class SO much!! We went to a St. Patrick's Day Party at our friends' the Mize's house. We all dressed in green and had a great time. We have been to our Mommy and Me group every week at Kaiser. What a great support group for me to go to. I love it! We have been to a postpartum sculpt exercise class where I can bring Lyla with me. I was able to start running 2 weeks ago and am slowly getting back into it. It's a lot tougher to run with the jogging stroller!! We have a 5K race planned for the 11th of this month. We had a family BBQ at my parents' house recently where Lyla got to hang out with all of her cousins, aunts and uncles, and Nana and Papa. Brett went to Spring Training in AZ with his buddies last weekend. He had a great time and Baby Girl and I managed just fine on our own. Daddy missed his little girl a ton though. We have been to many stores, friends' houses, cousin Brett's baseball games, and restaurants too. My parents have babysat a couple of times while we went to dinner with friends and happy hour on our own. My dad has also watched her on his own while I've ran errands. It is so great to have them only 4 miles away:) We plan to spend Easter in Turlock with Brett's family.

We found out a couple weeks ago that I will be sharing a teaching contract next schoolyear. I will be teaching 80% Mon.-Thurs. I am so thrilled because I will be able to spend an extra day with Lyla every week. Brett's job might be changing a bit too. He is waiting to hear back about a Training Managament position with Sears Home Improvement. We will keep you posted on that!

Take Care! XOXOXO