Thursday, April 8, 2010

Lyla's First Easter

We spent Easter Sunday in Turlock at Brett's mom's house. We had a nice time visiting with Great Grandma Lister, Grandma Becky, Papa Mark, and Uncle Austin. Grandma Becky made a fabulous Easter dinner that we all enjoyed. We feel so blessed to have such a wonderful family. We stopped by the Hackler's house on the way out of town so that they could meet Lyla. It was great to see them. Their boys are getting so big. The drive home was a little scary, it poured the entire way! But we made it home safely.:)


  1. She is adorable! Hugs from Team Bracy

  2. She is just precious :) Love the pics :) Glad you guys had a wonderful Easter. Love th pic of her with her bunnies...too cute :)
