Tuesday, May 11, 2010

1st Mother's Day!

We had a very busy Mother's Day weekend. On Saturday we drove down to Hanford (near Fresno) to visit Grandma Faruzzi and the rest of the Faruzzi clan that lives down there. It was Grandma Faruzzi's first time meeting Baby Lyla. Of course she fell in love with her instantly. We had a nice dinner and visit with them. That night we drove back up North to Turlock where we stayed the night at Brett's mom's house. It was our first overnighter with the baby. We had a delicious homemade breakfast at her house the next morning. We got to visit with Uncle Austin, Aunt Jenny, Great Grandma Lister, and Papa Mark as well. Brett and Lyla surprised me with a beautiful Tiffany's sterling silver necklace that has Lyla's first initial on it. I absolutely LOVE it. It was a great start to a wonderful Mother's Day. We drove home mid day and had my parents over for dessert when we got home. My mom made my first Mother's Day very special too (even though I am not her mother) by framing some beautiful pictures she had taken of Lyla. That night Brett made me a fabulous dinner and we relaxed for a couple of hours on the couch. Baby Girl was a sweetheart all day too. I couldn't have asked for a more special day.

Month 3

Wow!! Where has the time gone. Lyla turned 3 months on May 2nd. She is getting so big already. She looks like a baby now, not a newborn anymore. She is already 12 1/2 pounds. She is such a good little eater. She is smiling and cooing like crazy now. Especially when she is on her changing table. She is also batting at her toys when she is on her playtime mat. She is at a really cute stage right now. Over the past month we have definitely kept ourselves busy. We've gone to our Mommy and Me group at Kaiser every Wednesday and my postpartum sculpt class every Friday. We have also had weekly playdates with Luke and Sarah and Lucas and Amy. We've gone to the pizza and wine night at Bella Bru every Tuesday night with our friend Damo. We've also gone on many walks and runs around the neighborhood and hung out at my parent's house quite a bit. It's hard to believe that I will be returning to work in 2 months. I am really struggling with the thought of that. I am trying to enjoy every moment I have right now with my baby girl. We just love her SOOOO much!!!


As you all know, Brett and I are into running and like to run races. I hadn't ran a race since last May (right before I got pregnant). We've ran 2 races since Lyla has been born. We ran the Zoo Zoom on April 11th. It took place in Land Park. Brett ran the 10K and I ran the 5K. Our 2nd race was on May 2nd (Lyla's 3 month birthday). It was the Fair Oaks Sun Run 5 miler. It is the toughest 5 mile race around. There are 5 MAJOR hills on the course. I somehow managed to place 2nd in my age group. Lyla hung out with my parents while we ran this one. We had a great time!!! We are thinking about running a half marathon next. Maybe sometime this summer.