Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Month 3

Wow!! Where has the time gone. Lyla turned 3 months on May 2nd. She is getting so big already. She looks like a baby now, not a newborn anymore. She is already 12 1/2 pounds. She is such a good little eater. She is smiling and cooing like crazy now. Especially when she is on her changing table. She is also batting at her toys when she is on her playtime mat. She is at a really cute stage right now. Over the past month we have definitely kept ourselves busy. We've gone to our Mommy and Me group at Kaiser every Wednesday and my postpartum sculpt class every Friday. We have also had weekly playdates with Luke and Sarah and Lucas and Amy. We've gone to the pizza and wine night at Bella Bru every Tuesday night with our friend Damo. We've also gone on many walks and runs around the neighborhood and hung out at my parent's house quite a bit. It's hard to believe that I will be returning to work in 2 months. I am really struggling with the thought of that. I am trying to enjoy every moment I have right now with my baby girl. We just love her SOOOO much!!!

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