Monday, June 21, 2010

1st Father's Day!

We celebrated Brett's 1st Father's Day yesterday! We had a great day. It started with a yummy breakfast at The Hungry Hollow restaurant. Then we came home and relaxed and played with Lyla for awhile. Then daddy went on a bike ride while Lyla and I went to Baskin Robbins to buy an ice cream cake for dessert. We went on a walk to the park in the afternoon and threw the ball around a little and Sweet Pea swung in the swing for the first time. In the evening, my parents came over for a BBQ to celebrate my dad too. We had burgers, my mom's delicious potato salad, and corn on the cob. And of course the ice cream cake for dessert. We gave daddy some new summer clothes, Rivercats tickets, and a framed picture of us for his office at work. I think he felt pretty special on his first Father's Day.

Monday, June 7, 2010

Month 4!!

What an awesome month it has been for Baby Lyla! On her 3 month birthday we decided to put her on a sleeping schedule and boy is she thriving on it! She started sleeping in her crib (not in mommy and daddy's room anymore)and going to bed between 7:30 and 8:30 PM. She is napping 3-4 times per day and nursing every 3 hours instead of every 2. What a difference it is been for her and us. She is such a happy baby now and hardly ever fusses. I can get stuff done around the house while she's napping and I don't feel like I'm feeding all day long anymore. After we put her in her room at night, she went from waking 2 times during the night to just one. And just in this past week, she has slept through the night 5 nights out of 6. I am so thrilled.

She is getting so big, so fast. She is weighing around 14 pounds now. I have been feeding her breastmilk out of a bottle once a day to get her used to taking bottles. She will be starting daycare in one month when I go back to work. Boohooo! She loves to suck on her fist now and she is holding toys. She also loves to look at her reflection in the mirror. She is now playing in her excersaucer. It is so stinkin cute!!

In the past month, she went for her first swim in our pool. It was a little cold for her, but we still think she is going to be a little fish because she LOVES her bathtime. We still go to our Mommy and Me group every Wednesday. We have made friends with several of the mommies and babies. We go out to lunch with them after our group. She went to her first Tolson Family Reunion. Everyone fell in love with her. Grandma Becky is staying with us every Tuesday night now. She is working in Sacramento and drives back and forth from Turlock everyday. This way, she can drive one less day and spend time with Lyla. Nana is babysitting Lyla every Saturday morning while Brett and I do our long runs. We are training for a half marathon in July.

We just adore our baby girl. She is such a blessing. We are so grateful for our little family. We couldn't be happier!!