Sunday, February 6, 2011

Lyla's 1st Birthday Party!!

Lyla is ONE!!! We can hardly believe it. The past year went by so fast. It has been such an amazing year. Our little girl is such a blessing. The joy she has brought to our lives is unexplainable.

We celebrated Lyla's 1st Bday on Saturday, Feb. 5th with our close family and friends. It was a cupcake and heart theme with pink and chocolate brown colors. I spent quite a bit of time planning and getting ready for the party. It was so nice that I was off track this past month to get ready for it. It was 70 degrees in Sacramento that day. We couldn't have asked for better weather. We had lots of good food and drinks, a fun game asking questions about Lyla's 1st year (my mom won of course), a slideshow of pics from Lyla's 1st year, opening of presents, and cake and cupcakes. It seemed like everyone had a great time.

We are so grateful for everyone who came and shared this special day celebrating with us! We feel so blessed to have such wonderful people in our daughter's life.

12 Months!!!

Lyla turned 1 years old on Feb. 2nd!! Our little girl is not a baby anymore, she's a toddler! I have been a ball of emotions with this landmark we have reached. I'm sad because the past year went by SO fast and I am happy because our baby is turning into a sweet little girl. I have been off track these past 6 weeks and have loved every minute I've been able to spend with her. We have been doing a lot of activities and have stayed very busy over the past month. Unfortunately, Lyla has caught two colds since I've been off. It's so hard to see her struggling. I guess it's just that time of year and her immune system is still developing.

Some of the things we did this past month was; story times at Borders and Barnes and Noble bookstores, playdates with friends, the park, Artbeast, lunches with daddy, Effie Yeaw Nature Center, Postpartum Sculpt Class, Gymboree Music Class, Mommy's school, Turlock, Bella Bru Pizza Night, and Saturday Mommy and Me groups. We had so much fun doing all of these fun things!!!

Lyla is VERY mobile now!! She gets into EVERYTHING!! She crawls all over the house and wants to explore wherever she can. She is standing up on all of the furniture. But not walking yet. Brett and I are in no rush for that though. Lyla got two more teeth, she is up to 7 now. She loves to take toys out of baskets and put them back in. She is still such an awesome sleeper and eater. She is only nursing first thing in the morning and before bed now. She has had her first taste of cow's milk and is still a little unsure about it. At her 12 month Dr. appt. she weighed 19 lbs. 12 oz and is 31 inches long. She is in the 95% for height and 30% for weight. The Dr. says she is tall and lean and very healthy:)

Lyla has tried a variety of new foods this month. We don't have to puree everything anymore, she is eating whole chunks of food now. She has tried mangoes, strawberries, mozzarella cheese, crackers, goldfish, tofu fruit smoothies, navy beans, mum mums, fig cereal bars, and whole peas, barley and corn. Of course on her birthday we let her have her first sweet, a cupcake from Bella Bru.

What an amazing first year it has been. We feel so blessed to have such an adorable, sweet baby girl. She has brought a tremendous amount of happiness to our lives. We love her so much! Take Care. XOXOXO