Sunday, February 6, 2011

Lyla's 1st Birthday Party!!

Lyla is ONE!!! We can hardly believe it. The past year went by so fast. It has been such an amazing year. Our little girl is such a blessing. The joy she has brought to our lives is unexplainable.

We celebrated Lyla's 1st Bday on Saturday, Feb. 5th with our close family and friends. It was a cupcake and heart theme with pink and chocolate brown colors. I spent quite a bit of time planning and getting ready for the party. It was so nice that I was off track this past month to get ready for it. It was 70 degrees in Sacramento that day. We couldn't have asked for better weather. We had lots of good food and drinks, a fun game asking questions about Lyla's 1st year (my mom won of course), a slideshow of pics from Lyla's 1st year, opening of presents, and cake and cupcakes. It seemed like everyone had a great time.

We are so grateful for everyone who came and shared this special day celebrating with us! We feel so blessed to have such wonderful people in our daughter's life.


  1. Wow...what a great 1st party!! Sorry I haven't left a comment in a while...Lyla's soo super adorable!! I love the pic of her delving into the cake...and that cake is beautiful!! Everyone looks great and soo happy to celebrate Lyla :) Wish we could have been there too...miss you sooo super much!! Good luck with the weaning...B loves the Horizon Organic whole milk with DHA! She can't get enough of it...I have to serve it half that milk and half whole milk without the DHA because the oil gives her the runs!! yikes...but it's so yummy! Hope all is well. send my love to everyone :)

  2. Meee tooo....I wish we lived closer!! Our little pumpkins would have soo much fun together!! Well we wil just have to arrange a play date...and make it happen :) miss u xoxo
