Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Gender Poll

We find out the sex of Baby Faruzzi on Friday, Sept. 25th. What do you think it is? Boy or Girl? We are taking a poll!!! Thanks:)


  1. before i give my guess...please answer a few questions I came up with...
    bananas or oranges?
    chicken or beef?
    do u shave more or less than before your pregnancy?
    so far with my questions i have been 3 for 3!

  2. Your baby girl will be here on Febuary 24th, 2010 :) Let us know when you have your baby shower and we will try to make it up there xoxo

  3. Melissa!

    I was just reading your blog. Congratulations to you and Adam on your 2nd pregnancy!!!! I am so happy for you guys. I can't beleive you are just a month behind me. I wish we lived closer to experience this special time together. Here are the answers to your questions:
    shave less or about the same

  4. Maybe it's just because I'm one-sided in my hopes for my result, but I'm gonna guess a girl. My hopes are up for a girl for us too, so we'll see! Does Brett have a preference? :) Melissa, predict mine too! Please? :)

  5. I'm with Morgan...I'm going to say a "It's a girl!" Boy will she ever be beautiful!!
    I know I wish we were closer to share clothes, stories, cry together and laugh together. I am finally out of the sickness (for now)...back to real world. Exactly 12 weeks and feeling relieved!! ahhh
    I can not express just HOW happy I am for you and Bret...this is an incredible journey. I just know that you and Bret will unconditionally love that precious baby that is growing in you...what a miracle. xoxo to you both and give that belly bump of yours a rub-uh-dub-dub from me. miss you

  6. Hey Sarah...congrats on your pregnancy...just answer those questions in the first post...and I'll gladly predict...

  7. Hey Melissa, Congratulations to you!! I haven't seen you since Lo's shower! How are you feeling?

    here's my answers:
    1) oranges
    2) since I found out, chicken has NOT sounded good at all so I haven't been eating it. But I have been craving a burger, haven't acted on it tho!
    3) shaving about the same-but because I've been wearing dresses all the time, maybe? I dunno...

  8. Hey Sarah...I've been feeling much better this week before that just awful!! YUCK!! I'm hopeing that now that i'm in 2nd tri this will have died down and i can feel human again...cross ur fingers!!

    ok ur answers are a little vague so I can't predict ever so confidently, but I'm leaning towards a girl like teresa...the chicken thing has me worried though...hmmm?? when do you find out what you're having?

  9. Yay T! Saw the bump picture-super cute! Have fun in Morro Bay-it is a babymoon? :) We'll be taking one of those too. Melissa-glad you're better. Was it like this the first time too? To be perfectly honest, my answer would be neither chicken or beef, and shaving the same. I will tell you though-we took the intelligender test today at home-which is a predictor (if you haven't heard of it) that boasts 90% accuracy in the lab and 82% at home and it said a boy...I'm a little disappointed with that :(

  10. Ahh Sarah!! Having a boy is THE most incredible experience EVER!! I LOVE LOVE LOVE being a mom to a boy...if I could have it my way I'd only have boys...it's truly amazing!! I PROMISE! Congrats!! Keep me posted on the results, I want to know how accurate that test is. I've been dying to take it...but have to wait for now.
