Saturday, August 22, 2009

June 15, 2009 We're Pregnant!!

It was Monday morning and Brett and I had gone on our Ancil Hoffman run route. While running Brett asked me how late I was on my period. I was about a week late. He told me I should take a pregnancy test when we got home. So I did and it was positive!! We were so excited and shocked at the same time. Brett had to rush off to work and he was in a haze all day. I decided to go to Walgreen's and buy another pregnancy test in a different brand. And of course, that one was positive too. I called Kaiser right away thinking I could get in immediately to confirm I was pregnant. Much to my surprise I had to wait a month for my appointment. The very next day I found out about my new teaching position at Castello Elementary. It was quite an overwhelming week of great news!!!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Mama Faruzzi
    How's it kicking? That's right, you can feel it yet, but you will soon. It is an incredible journey as I know first hand. Since Mama Faruzzi grew inside of me. Enjoy the miracle of life you are embarking upon, for it is over in a flash.
    Love, Mom
