Saturday, December 5, 2009

7 Months!!

The countdown has begun!!! We can't believe it's already December. Before we know it, our little girl is going to be here. In the past month, there has been a lot of growth in my belly. I have definitely popped out. I still feel really good and can move about normally. According to our ultrasound a week ago, our baby weighs about 2.7 pounds. She is right where she needs to be at this point. We had a 3D ultrasound done at 25 weeks and loved every minute of it. My parents went with us and the four of us were blown away by what we could see. She is so adorable already. Mommy bias I'm sure:) We are almost 100% sure we have a name picked out; Lyla Marie Faruzzi. She is kicking like crazy in there now. Brett feels her kick almost every night. It is so exciting!! We are signed up for several baby classes this month. We are looking forward to learning more so that we can be the best parents we can be. We are going to start working on the nursery at the end of this month. I am getting so anxious to do it. I have 2 1/2 more weeks left at work before I go off track for 6 weeks. I am really looking forward to my time off to prepare for the baby. We wish all of you a happy holiday season. XOXOXO

Sunday, November 1, 2009

6 Months!!!

It's official, the baby bump is here!!! Yay!! We have definitely noticed a growth in my belly in the last couple of weeks. It seems like the pregnancy is flying by. I am feeling her move quite a bit more now. I will usually feel her nudges in the evenings after dinner when I am lying down. I told my students 3 weeks ago that I am going to have a baby girl in February. I think it went over most of their heads. They are now making comments like, "your baby girl is growing Mrs. Faruzzi." I am really going to miss this class when I go out for maternity leave. They are by far the best class I have ever have. I love them dearly. I plan to take the rest of the schoolyear off after our baby girl arrives. I started a prenatal yoga class last week with my friend Sarah who is due 2 weeks after me. We fell in love with it after the first class. I have also been taking a Macumba dance class 3-4 times a week. A parent at my school is teaching it to the staff afer school in one of the classrooms. I absolutely love it. And of course I am still running, but I have cut back significantly now with all of these other fun excercise classes I am attending. It's very important to me to stay healthy and fit throughout my pregnancy. Brett and I are going to start our baby registry this week. I have been doing lots of research on what we need/want to have for this little girl. We are both looking forward to registering. Brett and I are getting very excited about the new addition to our family. XOXOXO

Monday, October 5, 2009

5 Months-Halfway There!!!

Yay!! We are halfway there. We can't believe it. The closer the due date comes, the more real it seems. I have been off track for the past 3 weeks and have been thinking about our baby girl and baby stuff nonstop. Now that I am back at work, I won't have as much down time to obsess about the baby. Brett and I had a wonderful week long vacation in Morro Bay. We enjoyed every second of our alone time together. I am starting to pooch out a little more, but most say they can hardly tell I am prego. I am sure I am going to POP anyday now. I have felt little gas like bubbles, but no kicking yet. We are so excited for the upcoming months and meeting our baby girl. XOXOXO

Monday, September 28, 2009

It's a Healthy Baby Girl!!!!!

We had our BIG ultrasound appointment on Friday, Sept. 25th. Everything looks great. We found out Baby Faruzzi is a GIRL. Of course, I am so thrilled and Brett is still getting used to the idea of having a girl. He is ofcourse thrilled too. She will definitely be daddy's little girl. My mom and I have already started the shopping. This little girl is going to be very spoiled. We can't wait to meet her. Also, we are not moving now. We are staying right where we are. XOXOXO

Monday, September 7, 2009

4 Months!!

We can't believe how quickly the last month has gone by. We just had our 16 week appt. and everything looks great. Baby Faruzzi was doing somersaults when we got to see it on the ultrasound. It's amazing that it is moving that much and I can't feel it yet. I am finally starting to get a little pooch. I've gained 2 pounds and my pants are starting to feel a little tighter (especially after I eat). Brett and I think this next month is going to be when I really POP. I am excited to start showing because it will seem more real. This past month we have welcomed our new nephew, Bodie, into the family. We are so excited that Dan and I's kids will only be 6 months apart. We also celebrated our 4 year anniversary. We had a fabulous dinner at Moxie. I go off track this Friday and Brett and I have a wonderful week long trip to Morro Bay planned. We can't wait to relax and enjoy eachother before the baby arrives. We are also most likely going to move at the end of this month. We will keep you posted on that. We will also inform you with what we are having when we find out on the 25th!!! XOXOXO

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Gender Poll

We find out the sex of Baby Faruzzi on Friday, Sept. 25th. What do you think it is? Boy or Girl? We are taking a poll!!! Thanks:)

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Month 3

It was a great feeling hitting the three month mark. We had our 2nd Dr.'s appt. and Early Pregnancy class this week. Everything looks good so far. We can't wait to find out the sex on Sept. 25th!!
We also found out more exciting news this month. Brett got promoted to the Field Sales Manager position at Sears Home Improvement. We are so grateful for all of these wonderful things happening in our life.

My 30th Birthday

We celebrated my 30th birthday when I was 11 weeks along. We had a blast with my closest friends. We had dinner on the patio at Ernesto's and then went to Fox and Goose afterwards to hear a band play. It definitely was a strange feeling having my 20's behind me.

There's a Heartbeat!!

On July 13th, we had our first Dr.'s appointment. We were so excited and nervous at the same time. As soon as the Dr. told us there was a pregnancy in the uterous and a heartbeat, we were so relieved. It finally felt real.

Wine Tasting Trip -1 Month Prego

When I was one month pregnant I went on a wine tasting trip with friends from Charles Mack. We had a great time. It was definitely hard not to be able to taste the wine, but I had a fun time driving them around and hanging out with the girls.

June 15, 2009 We're Pregnant!!

It was Monday morning and Brett and I had gone on our Ancil Hoffman run route. While running Brett asked me how late I was on my period. I was about a week late. He told me I should take a pregnancy test when we got home. So I did and it was positive!! We were so excited and shocked at the same time. Brett had to rush off to work and he was in a haze all day. I decided to go to Walgreen's and buy another pregnancy test in a different brand. And of course, that one was positive too. I called Kaiser right away thinking I could get in immediately to confirm I was pregnant. Much to my surprise I had to wait a month for my appointment. The very next day I found out about my new teaching position at Castello Elementary. It was quite an overwhelming week of great news!!!